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Jerusalemite youth seriously injured in Israeli shoot
Jerusalemite youth seriously injured in Israeli shoot
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Occupied Jerusalem, ALRAY - One Jerusalemite youth seriously injured, another arrested on Wednesday night near Al-Amari camp northern occupied Jerusalem, by Israeli army, claiming that he tried to ran over Israeli soldiers.

Eyewitness reported that the Palestinian youth, who was driving the car, astonished with Israeli occupation patrols and collide with an Israeli jeep. Israeli soldiers fired three shots towards him; he is seriously injured, and IOF arrested the other youth after forcing him to take off his clothes.

Hebrew channel 7 claimed that the youth tries to ran over a number of Israeli soldiers, while they were patrolling in the camp.

It added that the youth was fast driving the car, collided with Israeli jeeps, no one injured.     

It alleged that the youth got out the car, carrying a knife and tried to stab the soldiers who shot him.  

The youth, from east Jerusalem, were hospitalized in Shaari Tasadeq Hospital in Jerusalem in serious condition.

