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Israeli military detain UNICEF staff in Yatta
Israeli military detain UNICEF staff in Yatta
A UN staff member being checked by Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint. (UNRWA)
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Gaza, Alray - Israeli occupation forces detained Tuesday morning workers for the United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF, while on their way to Khirbet Jenbah east of Yatta.

The forces said the area is a closed military zone.

Ratib Jabour, Spokesman of the popular committee against settlement in the town of Yatta, said  “the occupation forces are still holding the UNICEF staff until this moment,”

“The staff wanted to be closely observe the living conditions of the population in Khirbet Jenbah particularly of the school students, as the school year is to start on August 25th."

Israeli restrictions on the checkpoints across the occupied West Bank cause delays and lost man hours for UN staff working there.

Israeli soldiers used to search UN vehicles as a condition for being allowed through, despite the fact that 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN, to which Israel is signotory,  prohibits such searches.
