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Israeli occupation hands jail terms to Palestinians, extends detention of others
Israeli occupation hands jail terms to Palestinians, extends detention of others
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Jerusalem, ALRAY - The Israeli occupation authorities issued Tuesday prison terms to Palestinians from occupied Jerusalem and extended the detention of others.


An Israeli military court sentenced Ayhem Abu Joma'a, from At-Tur town in occupied Jerusalem, for nine months and Saed Nofal to 12 months in prison.


The Israeli military court handed the teenage boy Wael Shahin a seven-month jail term, with a three-month suspended sentence and a fine of 3,000 shekels ($890).


The Israeli occupation authorities extended the detention of Hanadi al-Hilwani until Wednesday.


The Israeli military court also extended the detention of 17-year-old Kassam al-Awar, from Silwan, until late January, Obaida Abu Kaf, from Sur Baher, until next Monday, and Mohammed Elyan until next Thursday.


The Israeli occupation authorities released Ali al-Tawil, from Silwan, on condition that he remains under house arrest until next Monday.


The Israeli occupation is holding around 4,700 Palestinian detainees, including female detainees, 150 children, 15 journalists, five lawmakers, and 850 administrative detainees, according to Palestinian prisoners' rights groups.

