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90 Israeli violations against Palestinian Journalists in October
90 Israeli violations against Palestinian Journalists in October
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Gaza, ALRAY- The union of Palestinian radios and TV documented 90 Israeli occupation violations against the Palestinian journalists and media crews since of the beginning of the popular Palestinian uprising in the 1st of October.

The union said in a press statement that the Israeli occupation forces directly targeted 55 journalists with live and metal bullet, fired stun grenades and gas bombs, pepper gas bombs on them, what caused severe suffocation cases amid a number of them.

The center documented 14 detention and arrest cases for journalists and media coverage crews in Jerusalem, Hebron and Ramallah, and used some of them as human shields in front of stones throwers, like what happened with Palestine Today TV reporter in Ramallah.

The Israeli occupation launched a wide incitement campaign against the Palestinian journalists, media channels, social media tools, what led to close of "Sharek" page, according to the union.

The union pointed out the continued Israeli attack against the Palestinian media since the 1st of November. Meanwhile, Israeli settlers had directly attacked Palestinian media crews.
